Agency unit! DATEUP helps the informatization construction of the network center computer room of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee.

Agency unit! DATEUP helps the informatization construction of the network center computer room of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee.

In 2023, the Cyberspace Affairs Office of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee will thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party, conscientiously implement the spirit of the National Cyberspace Affairs Office Directors’ Meeting, anchor “walking ahead and open new bureaus”, and coordinate and promote Shandong’s cyberspace work to achieve new goals. Leap Up, striving to build a more solid online security defense line and provide more accurate network service guarantees for the province’s high-quality development.


We will persist in focusing on good-oriented innovation and strive to achieve a new leap in shaping the new pattern of mainstream online public opinion. Carefully carry out online publicity of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Optimize and upgrade the province’s network positive energy communication system, broaden and expand the communication matrix, tell the story of “Hospitable Shandong and Good Shandong”, and sing the “Voice of Shandong” in cyberspace.

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Further improve the working mechanism and protection system, enhance the ability to respond to network security emergencies, and promote the construction of the national network security education technology industry integrated development pilot zone. Implement actions to improve data security governance capabilities and strengthen data security supervision in key areas and important carriers. Implement actions to improve personal information security protection capabilities to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people.

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In the Internet era, the construction of the network center computer room of the Shandong Provincial Committee cannot be underestimated. Network information security is particularly important, and speed and stability are the core elements for improving the Shandong Provincial Committee. “DATEUP” cabinet system and integrated wiring system products rely on superior product quality, fast delivery cycle and complete service system. “DATEUP Ditu” brand products have received unanimous praise from customers of the Shandong Provincial Committee.

Post time: Dec-15-2023