Digital Economy! DATEUP Assists the State Grid Phase 2 Informatization Construction

Digital Economy! DATEUP Assists the State Grid Phase 2 Informatization Construction

A new round of information technology revolution is booming, accelerating the world’s entry into the digital economy era. General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized the need to accelerate the development of the digital economy and promote the integrated development of the real economy and the digital economy. Since this year, the Party Central Committee and the State Council have made important arrangements to accelerate the construction of new infrastructure represented by 5G networks, big data centers, artificial intelligence, industrial Internet, etc. Recently, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission issued the “Notice on Accelerating the Digital Transformation of State-owned Enterprises”, which pointed out the direction for the digital transformation of state-owned enterprises.


Digitalization is an inevitable choice to adapt to the trend of integration of energy revolution and digital revolution. With the deep integration and widespread application of modern information technology and energy technology such as Big Cloud IoT, the digital and intelligent features of energy transformation are further highlighted. Whether it is to meet the requirements of large-scale and high-proportion grid connection and consumption of new energy, or to support the widespread access of interactive and mobile facilities such as distributed energy, energy storage, and electric vehicles, it is necessary to use digital technology to empower the power grid and promote energy sources. The grid load and storage coordinate and interact to promote the upgrade of the power grid to a smarter, more ubiquitous, and more friendly energy Internet, continue to improve the level of clean energy supply, electrification of terminal consumption, and efficient system operation, and play a more important role in leading the energy production and consumption revolution.


State Grid has always regarded capacity building in organizational, technical, and safety aspects as an important guarantee for digital transformation. In terms of organizational construction, professional departments have been set up at the headquarters, provincial and municipal levels to promote digital transformation, and rely on external partners such as the company’s scientific research, industrial units and Internet companies to establish strong digital support and form a The digital development organizational system with clear layers and efficient coordination, especially the establishment of the State Grid Big Data Center, specializes in data operations, big data analysis and mining, etc., which has strengthened the company’s data management and application capabilities.

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With the rapid development of information technology, the informatization construction of the State Grid is accelerating day by day. In order to better realize the construction of the State Grid network and meet the needs of easy and safe information exchange of the State Grid, we will make full use of the network’s advantages such as high efficiency and timeliness, and effectively utilize the business of the entire network. capabilities to build a stable, efficient, safe, manageable and sustainable network infrastructure platform to carry the State Grid Phase 2 applications. It adopts all series of high-quality products of “DATEUP” integrated network cabling.

Post time: Dec-06-2023